Neulore, Silver Seas and the Durian-headed Meat-arm Man
Happy summer and I hope this news note finds you well. Here are three photos that I made this spring that are awesome:
This is Neulore (
They just launched a tour and have a killer album that is still under
wraps (except for the single that's posted their web page). Most of our
photos are top secret, too, but this one is ready to share and echoes
some of the native American sonic themes on the new record. It's a huge
cinematic sound that we tried to echo with the above image.
Nashville's own Silver Seas are launching a new record in July. The name of the album is Alaska, so we hitched rides going north and snapped a pic with an Alaska state flag.
Be sure snap up their new album when it hits in a few weeks. GQ UK just did a snippet on them
Some of my favorite movies are Blade Runner, Terminator, Robocop, as well as many other dystopian future features. I've decided to combine the paper dolls series ( see here) with my passion for durian fruit and create a movie still from my all new one frame movie titled "Durian-headed Meat-arm Man". All you need to know from this shocking movie is contained right here in this single photograph.
I'll post a small gallery of 'behind the scenes' images from the durian shoot on the Facebook
here so that you can learn how to make your own Durian-headed Meat-arm Man.
Gif junky? Watch the Durian-headed Meat-arm Man burn
Thank you for spending a moment with this newsletter. Please contact me if you need to make some photographs.
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Neulore, Silver Seas and the Durian-headed Meat-arm Man
Happy summer and I hope this news note finds you well. Here are three photos that I made this spring that are awesome:
This is Neulore ( They just launched a tour and have a killer album that is still under wraps (except for the single that's posted their web page). Most of our photos are top secret, too, but this one is ready to share and echoes some of the native American sonic themes on the new record. It's a huge cinematic sound that we tried to echo with the above image.
Nashville's own Silver Seas are launching a new record in July. The name of the album is Alaska, so we hitched rides going north and snapped a pic with an Alaska state flag.
Be sure snap up their new album when it hits in a few weeks. GQ UK just did a snippet on them
Some of my favorite movies are Blade Runner, Terminator, Robocop, as well as many other dystopian future features. I've decided to combine the paper dolls series ( see here) with my passion for durian fruit and create a movie still from my all new one frame movie titled "Durian-headed Meat-arm Man". All you need to know from this shocking movie is contained right here in this single photograph.
I'll post a small gallery of 'behind the scenes' images from the durian shoot on the Facebook
here so that you can learn how to make your own Durian-headed Meat-arm Man.
Gif junky? Watch the Durian-headed Meat-arm Man burn
Thank you for spending a moment with this newsletter. Please contact me if you need to make some photographs.
1609 Linden Ave. | Nashville, TN 37212 US