Monday, April 9, 2012

Hola from the Swedish Ice Fishing Squad


Swedish Ice Fishing Squad
Hola from Swedish Ice Fishing Team
When confronted with the opportunity to shoot the official portrait for the infamous Swedish Ice Fishing team, one is surely to be overwhelmed with their mystical beauty.  Disorientation in the presence of such ethereal beauty can be expected, and one should prepare all technical details in advance to avoid having to make important adjustments in the heat of the creative tsunami.  Do click on the image above to see a larger version.  For a painless 23 second idea of how the set morphed during miniature shoot day, watch here.
This gag is a homage to the Rudolph the Reindeer/Abomidable Snowman claymation Christmas specials that I used to watch as a kid.  This effort, an unrealistic but perhaps charming rendering, is the first of what I hope to make into a brief series that plays with elements of scale, using interesting makeup and fashion and any really cool little things that be incorporated into making a compelling set.  Examine one of the original images from the shoot, prior to the girls being printed and trimmed into miniature cutouts:

Swedish Ice Fishing Squad Original

Here are two frames to give you a peek into how the set 'really' looked.  Behold:  color gels!
An extra-special credit belongs to Tianna Calcagno whose makeup skills set a nordic spell upon the scene, and to Rebecca Neenan who styled the fisherwoman with these eclectic duds.  I encourage you to click on each of their names and learn more about them.  The majestic models are the fabulous sisters Katy and Annaliisa Maki--actually mostly Finnish--but acting as Swedish folk for this set.
Note the presence of foam-core icebergs on the 'big' set.  I searched the city for a trained styrofoam craftsman, an ice-sculpurist, and for pre-existing set pieces that may have been used for a christmas scene in years past, but was unable to beat the solution of simple foam core cut into pyramids and-thanks to a tip from Scarpati-polyester upholstery batting.  Both materials work wonderfully in full scale and in miniature for this fashionable gag.

Copa Guitars
Monday, April 23, 9 p.m.
Swedish Ice Fishing Girls+Tape Transfer Exhibit+Rory Rorshak Performance
This image is currently on display as a tape transfer print on glass and lit from behind (!) at The Building in East Nashville.  You may view it, along with the complete tape transfer series, on Monday, April 23 at 9 p.m.  To accompany the photo exhibit, I will also perform my new record using my spaghetti western cigar guitar.  He's standing in the middle of this band photo--also shot on a miniature fantasy set.  I'd love to see you there. 

Writer's Portrait
I want to congratulate my friends and comedy writers Marshal Younger and Torry Martin, who needed some images for magazine article.  We spent a few hours together and made something special to make the article as fun to look at as it reads.  FLASHBACK:  Torry and I had a great photo adventure 2009.  Read about it here.
Thank you for reading this long bit of news! 
Rory 615.631.0106

Rory White Photography | 1609 Linden Avenue B Nashville, Tn 37212

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