Monday, November 26, 2012

Cutout Dolls, Flying Folks

Untitled Document



Happy Holidays! May you get to spend special time with your loved ones throughout the next few weeks and may your home be full of delicious food and cheer.  This little newsletter has been very still for most of the summer and fall, and its time that some of this year's past adventures receive a small glimpse of the spotlight.



In accordance with the Swedish Ice Fishing Team paper dolls image (refer to the original post here) Ms. Charlene Ava was a good sport and let me create a fantasy world for her, too:

Charlene is an amazing vocalist for hire way up in Manhattan, but is developing a solo record of her own. We made a few images that will hopefully help her along the way.


Also as part of Charlene's shoot, we started another new series:  pictures of people floating in the air.  Here are the first two utilizing that idea:  with Charlene on the left, and my new client and friend Christian Smith, who let me kick start his modeling portfolio by coming to the studio for an afternoon:


For those who may have missed a few of my tweets when the following picture was buzzing about, here is one of my friend Brooke Waggoner who was able to use it in this Rolling Stone posting. Brooke was able to play the new record during our shoot and I have no doubt that you will be hearing it echo across the heartland on television and in radio throughout 2013. Keep up with her at and snap up her many albums-they are especially fitting for when you're nursing a hot tea on a cold day. A perfect gift! ;) Do you remember when we made a RORSHAK picture together last year? (Remember here.)

Note the 'black piano keys' made from foam core that ate up my xacto blades, each supported by an apple box from behind Brooke. The spotlight's shadow made a tie-type shape on the background-further reinforcing the reference to musical symbols. That was incidental and discovered on set. Serendipitous!

In an upcoming letter, I look forward to sharing some of Yancy Richmond's fabulous new photos, a few more from Brooke and Charlene as their projects develop, as well as highlights from this year's model shoots.




A RORSHAK exhibit is hanging at The Building in East Nashville through the end of November, and will be announced at a new location in December with the next newsletter.

A commitment to brevity forces the conclusion of this note for the month, however.  If you need pictures anytime at all, please let me know!

Thank you so much for being a part of my newsletter simply by reading through it.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Hola from the Swedish Ice Fishing Squad


Swedish Ice Fishing Squad
Hola from Swedish Ice Fishing Team
When confronted with the opportunity to shoot the official portrait for the infamous Swedish Ice Fishing team, one is surely to be overwhelmed with their mystical beauty.  Disorientation in the presence of such ethereal beauty can be expected, and one should prepare all technical details in advance to avoid having to make important adjustments in the heat of the creative tsunami.  Do click on the image above to see a larger version.  For a painless 23 second idea of how the set morphed during miniature shoot day, watch here.
This gag is a homage to the Rudolph the Reindeer/Abomidable Snowman claymation Christmas specials that I used to watch as a kid.  This effort, an unrealistic but perhaps charming rendering, is the first of what I hope to make into a brief series that plays with elements of scale, using interesting makeup and fashion and any really cool little things that be incorporated into making a compelling set.  Examine one of the original images from the shoot, prior to the girls being printed and trimmed into miniature cutouts:

Swedish Ice Fishing Squad Original

Here are two frames to give you a peek into how the set 'really' looked.  Behold:  color gels!
An extra-special credit belongs to Tianna Calcagno whose makeup skills set a nordic spell upon the scene, and to Rebecca Neenan who styled the fisherwoman with these eclectic duds.  I encourage you to click on each of their names and learn more about them.  The majestic models are the fabulous sisters Katy and Annaliisa Maki--actually mostly Finnish--but acting as Swedish folk for this set.
Note the presence of foam-core icebergs on the 'big' set.  I searched the city for a trained styrofoam craftsman, an ice-sculpurist, and for pre-existing set pieces that may have been used for a christmas scene in years past, but was unable to beat the solution of simple foam core cut into pyramids and-thanks to a tip from Scarpati-polyester upholstery batting.  Both materials work wonderfully in full scale and in miniature for this fashionable gag.

Copa Guitars
Monday, April 23, 9 p.m.
Swedish Ice Fishing Girls+Tape Transfer Exhibit+Rory Rorshak Performance
This image is currently on display as a tape transfer print on glass and lit from behind (!) at The Building in East Nashville.  You may view it, along with the complete tape transfer series, on Monday, April 23 at 9 p.m.  To accompany the photo exhibit, I will also perform my new record using my spaghetti western cigar guitar.  He's standing in the middle of this band photo--also shot on a miniature fantasy set.  I'd love to see you there. 

Writer's Portrait
I want to congratulate my friends and comedy writers Marshal Younger and Torry Martin, who needed some images for magazine article.  We spent a few hours together and made something special to make the article as fun to look at as it reads.  FLASHBACK:  Torry and I had a great photo adventure 2009.  Read about it here.
Thank you for reading this long bit of news! 
Rory 615.631.0106

Rory White Photography | 1609 Linden Avenue B Nashville, Tn 37212

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Annaliisa in Popular Photography
Brief, but significant, is the news:  Popular Photography magazine has turned the spotlight on the "Annaliisa" from the tape transfer series for their March 2012 issue.  Click the image above to read the article, which contains all the important secrets for making your own tape transfer.

Rory Rorshak's We Should Be Together video.
Last month, the video for  "We Should Be Together" was hatched upon the interwebs as a spearhead for my rock record, The Gospel Cigar.  It took a lot of time and money to make, and involved some very talented friends whose names are in the credits of the video above.
Perhaps this record is the result of having too much disposable time, and explains why many small countries employ their youth in the civil service, but for anyone reading this who plays music or makes art, you already know:  to be content is constantly be creating. 
The record contains a spaghetti western tune "Feathers", an anthemic drunken pirate love song suited for a voyage to the edge of a flat earth in "What Could Be Better Than Loving You?" as well as the ultra-dramatic rock tunes "The Year I Got Everything I Wanted" and "Fingers and Toes".  Everytime there's a finale on the album that seems like it couldn't be out done, just think again!  The main issue with this kind of music is that when it sounds like a good point to smash the guitars and throw the drumset upside down, one must be tempered, because there are still another handful of equally epic tunes that will require the use of those very same guitars and drums!
If you'd like to keep tabs on the Rory Rorshak musical front, fan the page here, get tweets here, or join the mailing list here.  And of course, all of this is rooted at the mothership page:
The Gospel Cigar makes for great workout music and goes well with a ride on the Audubon.  Make it yours from iTunes (includes the live album with 27 songs at 9.99!) or Bandcamp (studio album only at 7.99).

A special thanks belongs to Cory Basil and Frothy Monkey Coffee House for letting me hang the RORSHAK Tape Transfer series, as well as other goodies like the one above of the Branded Sons (3 feet wide!), on their walls for the last two months.  View the tape series here.  Its looking for a new place to hang out. 

The Copa Family
May you enjoy the new record played by the boys pictured above, and may your March be full of good things!

Rory 615.631.0106
Rory White Photography | 1609 Linden Avenue B Nashville, Tn 37212

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kangaroo with Jet Pack, Frothing Monkeys, and Music Video


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Copa Guitars
Welcome to the new year!  Activities in January have kicked off like a kangaroo with a jet pack.  The ultra fabulous Frothy Monkey Coffee House is hanging the current RORSHAK exhibit, there is a special new blog feed to the RORSHAK web page, and there's a new photographic series planned for this year, with prototypes already rendered (see above). 

Tim Scott and Tim and Liz Scott
Nashville radio and record producer Tim Scott let me make headshots for his web page (See here).  When he arrived, he presented me with a wonderful CD with an image that we had made together around this time last year.  This little cover (above, right) charms me to no end, and you may read about the shoot here.
And, if you love to rock, and to dance, and perhaps to laugh a bit, see my new music video here for my first single:  "We Should Be Together."
The video is the first of a few that will follow throughout the year for my extra-alter ego Rory Rorshak, the musician.  The music site is at  All future Rory Rorshak music news will be fed to that particular site. The album cover bears a RORSHAK self portrait, made by  pressing the space bar with my toes attached to a computer tethered to a camera:

Rory Rorshak
Just as this newsletter was being prepped, a disturbance visited upon my door.  Alas, it was a brand new large format print on canvas from an apt printer from Atlanta called Gallery Street.  As soon as this letter rockets through cyberspace, this fancy print will be on display as the newest addition to the Frothy Monkey exhibit!  Even though Federal Express did their best to damage it, judging from the box, the impenetrable packing job by the fine folks as Gallery Street was sufficient to protect it from extraordinarily evident shipping abuse:

Branded Songs
The above gentlemen are the Branded Sons, shot in 2008.  Read about this shoot here -- this was one of the very first photo adventure blogs, and still one of my favorites.
Things are shaped up to be exciting in 2012.  I hope they are in your world too!  I wish you the very best.
Rory 615.631.0106
Rory White Photography | 1609 Linden Avenue B Nashville, Tn 37212

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