Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Branded Sons Mailout

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Rory White Photography •
Captured!  (For the moment...)

Welcome to the "Adventures in Photography" Newsletter by Rory!

This installment of adventures in photography pits us face to face with the fierce Branded Sons (, who had just picked an alley fight with some unlucky opponents in an old Midwestern township. I was able to teleport them from the 1930s and bring them into the studio for a few photographs. They were distraught, obviously, but offered great expressions which we will now savor.

Laws Detail

Please note the extra-ordinary battle scars, compliments of Tianna Calcagno, who just happened to have her brass knuckles on hand the day of the shoot. She was able to inflict the exact amount of violence upon the Sons according to my 3 aesthetic preferences: Brutal, Extra Brutal, and Tarantino Brutal! Kudos Tianna! To my other photography friends: Tianna is interested in doing more makeup for shoots if you need it, or she can simply provide security for your next social event :)

Bruisers Indeed

In these two detail shots, you can see the bruises and cuts detailed in Tianna's work. You may also note that the light on the subjects' left shoulder and face is from a reflected light created by directing a powerful flash head into folded foam core board (a trick I learned from Master Ninja Photographer John Scarpati), the light coming down from above is from a flash head with a narrow grid. The eyes were far too dark-so I put a long strip box in front of their faces at low power--which allowed me to get a sparkle from each of the Sons' eyes. The background was created from cardboard science display boards purchased at Hobby Lobby. The lines were drawn with the largest Sharpie marker that I have ever seen, and I believe that I am still trying to rebuild brain cells that were lost during the inadvertent inhalation that occurred during pre-production.

Branded Sons Diptic

Laws, the Branded Sons charismatic front man, described for me the look of the alley from which I had teleported them from, and I just so happened to have a similar alley behind my back yard. The Sons each suddenly produced a weapon, cigarette, or other contraband, and were ready to pose. They were amazed by our surplus of power lines (shown here), and were also quite taken with other aspects of our post-modern era: cell phones, glow in the dark objects, and my ultra suave teleportation unit (Honda CRV), of course.

Can you find the Weapon of Choice?

Thank you ever so much for sharing this adventure with me! I'll see you next month! :)


Rory White Photography
1609 Linden Avenue B Nashville, Tn 37212
615.631.0106 |

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